
Council on Greenways and Trails History and Purpose

Those associated with trail and open space planning, development and operation throughout the Oil Heritage Region identified the need for a staff person to assist in the coordination of greenway and trail work as well as serve as a central point of contact and to give professional technical assistance. A partnership was formed by fifteen municipalities and organizations and a Coordinator was hired to serve the Oil Heritage Region and areas with contiguous greenways both to the north and to the south. The Council on Greenways & Trails serves as the managing entity of the organization with one representative from each of the partners. It will be responsible for coordination, prioritizing, planning, design, development, and maintenance of all the efforts related to greenways and open space in the region.

The Council works directly with affiliated organizations such as local municipalities, trail and conservation organizations, governmental agencies, private businesses, and non-profits to help them fulfill their objectives in greenway and open space planning, design, development, and maintenance. These organizations provide direct input back to the Council concerning their interests as well. The Greenways and Open Space Coordinator focuses attention on bringing the appropriate agencies and nonprofit organizations to the table, interfacing with municipal officials and providing technical assistance where needed.

The goal of this partnership is to maintain and operate the premier greenways system throughout this region and to plan and implement projects that create and build on the groundwork for future acquisition, development and/or management of greenways and open space, natural areas, rails-to-trails, and river/watershed corridors. Technical assistance will be given to meet statewide and local needs and for educating the public on recreation and conservation opportunities.